April 22, 2018


Our aim is to honor and commemorate the heroism and service of the soldiers and civilians, New Yorkers and other Americans, who upheld the American cause in World War I. We also want to encourage reflection on the legacy of this war. In what ways is World War I still with us? What can we learn from this long-ago conflict that will help us to face the challenges of our own time?


East Side WWI Centennial Planning Committee

Co-Chairs:  Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright and Howard Teich

Office of Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright

Howard Teich (howardteichny.com)

Borough President Gale Brewer (Cal Snyder)

Carnegie Council for Ethics in Intl Affairs (Reed Bonadonna)

Logos Bookstore (Harris Healy III)

Mt. Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden (Terri Daly)

NY-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical College (Stephanie Lizza)

Park Avenue Armory (Kirsten Reoch)

Rockefeller University (Franklin Hoke, Zach Veilleux)

Sergeant York Patriotic Foundation (Deborah York)

Society of Illustrators (Anelle Miller, Lindsay Nichols)

Squadron A Association (Michael Witter, Pres.)

Veterans of the Seventh Regiment (BG Thomas J. Principe, Pres.)

Webster Library – NYPL (Alexandria Abenshon)

Weill-Cornell Medicine (Alessia Daniele, Sara Stammer)

George Cates

Joel Iskowitz

Jill Mainelli

John Phillips

David Williams